42.64. Explore classification methods#

42.64.1. Instructions#

In Scikit-learn documentation you’ll find a large list of ways to classify data. Do a little scavenger hunt in these docs: your goals is to look for classification methods and match a dataset in this curriculum, a question you can ask of it, and a technique of classification. Create a spreadsheet or table in a .doc file and explain how the dataset would work with the classification algorithm.

42.64.2. Rubric#




Needs Improvement

a document is presented overviewing 5 algorithms alongside a classification technique. The overview is well-explained and detailed.

a document is presented overviewing 3 algorithms alongside a classification technique. The overview is well-explained and detailed.

a document is presented overviewing fewer than three algorithms alongside a classification technique and the overview is neither well-explained nor detailed.

42.64.3. Acknowledgments#

Thanks to Microsoft for creating the open-source course ML-For-Beginners. It inspires the majority of the content in this chapter.