42.102. Bitcoin LSTM Model with Tweet Volume and Sentiment#

42.102.1. Load libraries#

import pandas as pd
import re
from matplotlib import pyplot
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import os  # accessing directory structure

# Input data files are available in the "../input/" directory.
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list the files in the input directory

import os


# set seed
['$RECYCLE.BIN', '03_IntelliJ IDEA', '2019版安装教程.docx', '46-clion2020破解-无限重置插件', 'Adobe_Premiere Pro 2023', 'anaconda3', 'BaiduNetdisk', 'BaiduNetdiskDownload', 'cent browser', 'CLion 2020.1', 'CLion 2020.1pjb', 'CLionProjects', 'CLIPART', 'CloudMusic', 'CN', 'Config.Msi', 'DAUM', 'Document Themes 16', 'DouyuPCClient', 'DTL8Folder', 'DumpStack.log.tmp', 'Epic Games', 'FFOutput', 'FIRECOLUMN.jpeg', 'FIRECOLUMN1.jpeg', 'FIRECOLUMN2.jpeg', 'firegod.jpg', 'FormatFactory', 'GameDownload', 'Games', 'Git', 'Github', 'GOG Games', 'HuyaClient', 'iGame', 'InfoClient', 'JetBrains', 'kaggle', 'KDR', 'MATLAB_2016', 'Microsoft VS Code', 'MSOCache', 'Netease', 'network', 'Office16', 'Office2016简体中文64位(专业版)', 'opencv', 'pagefile.sys', 'PhotoshopCS6', 'Program Files', 'Program Files (x86)', 'Programs', 'PyCharm 2021.3', 'python', 'qqpcmgr_docpro', 'Recovery', 'Riot Games', 'Stationery', 'steam', 'System Volume Information', 'TECENT_FILES', 'Temp', 'Templates', 'Tencent', 'thunder', 'Thunder.exe', 'Thunder9', 'Tongchuan', 'V2RAYN', 'VSCODEcode', 'WeChat', 'WeChat_Files', 'WECHAT_FILES_COMPUTER', 'yk_temp', 'zd_zts', 'zlad', '斗鱼视频', '新建文件夹', '群星 豪华中文 v3.8.1+银河典范DLC+全DLC+赠品+3.8.2升级补丁 安装即玩', '迅雷云盘', '驱动人生C盘搬家目录']

42.102.2. Data Pre-processing#

notclean = pd.read_csv(
    "https://static-1300131294.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/data/deep-learning/LSTM/cleanprep.csv", delimiter=",", on_bad_lines="skip", engine="python", header=None
0 1 2 3 4
0 2018-07-11 19:35:15.363270 b'tj' b"Next two weeks prob v boring (climb up to 9k... 0.007273 0.590909
1 2018-07-11 19:35:15.736769 b'Kool_Kheart' b'@Miss_rinola But you\xe2\x80\x99ve heard abo... 0.000000 0.000000
2 2018-07-11 19:35:15.744769 b'Gary Lang' b'Duplicate skilled traders automatically with... 0.625000 0.500000
3 2018-07-11 19:35:15.867339 b'Jobs in Fintech' b'Project Manager - Technical - FinTech - Cent... 0.000000 0.175000
4 2018-07-11 19:35:16.021448 b'ERC20' b'Coinbase App Downloads Drop, Crypto Hype Fad... 0.333333 0.500000
# -----------------Pre-processing -------------------#

notclean.columns = ["dt", "name", "text", "polarity", "sensitivity"]
notclean = notclean.drop(["name", "text"], axis=1)
dt polarity sensitivity
0 2018-07-11 19:35:15.363270 0.007273 0.590909
1 2018-07-11 19:35:15.736769 0.000000 0.000000
2 2018-07-11 19:35:15.744769 0.625000 0.500000
3 2018-07-11 19:35:15.867339 0.000000 0.175000
4 2018-07-11 19:35:16.021448 0.333333 0.500000
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1413001 entries, 0 to 1413000
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count    Dtype  
---  ------       --------------    -----  
 0   dt           1413001 non-null  object 
 1   polarity     1413001 non-null  float64
 2   sensitivity  1413001 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 32.3+ MB
notclean["dt"] = pd.to_datetime(notclean["dt"])
notclean["DateTime"] = notclean["dt"].dt.floor("h")
dt polarity sensitivity DateTime
0 2018-07-11 19:35:15.363270 0.007273 0.590909 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1 2018-07-11 19:35:15.736769 0.000000 0.000000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
2 2018-07-11 19:35:15.744769 0.625000 0.500000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
3 2018-07-11 19:35:15.867339 0.000000 0.175000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
4 2018-07-11 19:35:16.021448 0.333333 0.500000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
vdf = (
    notclean.groupby(pd.Grouper(key="dt", freq="H"))
dt tweet_vol
0 2018-07-11 19:00:00 1747
1 2018-07-11 20:00:00 4354
2 2018-07-11 21:00:00 4432
3 2018-07-11 22:00:00 3980
4 2018-07-11 23:00:00 3830
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 302 entries, 0 to 301
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------     --------------  -----         
 0   dt         302 non-null    datetime64[ns]
 1   tweet_vol  302 non-null    int64         
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), int64(1)
memory usage: 4.8 KB
vdf.index = pd.to_datetime(vdf.index)
vdf = vdf.set_index("dt")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 302 entries, 2018-07-11 19:00:00 to 2018-07-24 08:00:00
Data columns (total 1 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   tweet_vol  302 non-null    int64
dtypes: int64(1)
memory usage: 4.7 KB
2018-07-11 19:00:00 1747
2018-07-11 20:00:00 4354
2018-07-11 21:00:00 4432
2018-07-11 22:00:00 3980
2018-07-11 23:00:00 3830
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1413001 entries, 0 to 1413000
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count    Dtype         
---  ------       --------------    -----         
 0   dt           1413001 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   polarity     1413001 non-null  float64       
 2   sensitivity  1413001 non-null  float64       
 3   DateTime     1413001 non-null  datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(2)
memory usage: 43.1 MB
notclean.index = pd.to_datetime(notclean.index)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 1413001 entries, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.001413
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count    Dtype         
---  ------       --------------    -----         
 0   dt           1413001 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   polarity     1413001 non-null  float64       
 2   sensitivity  1413001 non-null  float64       
 3   DateTime     1413001 non-null  datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(2)
memory usage: 53.9 MB
vdf["tweet_vol"] = vdf["tweet_vol"].astype(float)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 302 entries, 2018-07-11 19:00:00 to 2018-07-24 08:00:00
Data columns (total 1 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   tweet_vol  302 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(1)
memory usage: 4.7 KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 1413001 entries, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.001413
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count    Dtype         
---  ------       --------------    -----         
 0   dt           1413001 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 1   polarity     1413001 non-null  float64       
 2   sensitivity  1413001 non-null  float64       
 3   DateTime     1413001 non-null  datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(2)
memory usage: 53.9 MB
dt polarity sensitivity DateTime
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 2018-07-11 19:35:15.363270 0.007273 0.590909 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000001 2018-07-11 19:35:15.736769 0.000000 0.000000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000002 2018-07-11 19:35:15.744769 0.625000 0.500000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000003 2018-07-11 19:35:15.867339 0.000000 0.175000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000004 2018-07-11 19:35:16.021448 0.333333 0.500000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
# ndf = pd.merge(notclean,vdf, how='inner',left_index=True, right_index=True)
dt polarity sensitivity DateTime
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 2018-07-11 19:35:15.363270 0.007273 0.590909 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000001 2018-07-11 19:35:15.736769 0.000000 0.000000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000002 2018-07-11 19:35:15.744769 0.625000 0.500000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000003 2018-07-11 19:35:15.867339 0.000000 0.175000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000004 2018-07-11 19:35:16.021448 0.333333 0.500000 2018-07-11 19:00:00
df = notclean.groupby("DateTime").agg(lambda x: x.mean())
df["Tweet_vol"] = vdf["tweet_vol"]
df = df.drop(df.index[0])
dt polarity sensitivity Tweet_vol
2018-07-11 20:00:00 2018-07-11 20:27:49.510636288 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0
2018-07-11 21:00:00 2018-07-11 21:28:35.636368640 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0
2018-07-11 22:00:00 2018-07-11 22:27:44.646705152 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0
2018-07-11 23:00:00 2018-07-11 23:28:06.455850496 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0
2018-07-12 00:00:00 2018-07-12 00:28:47.975385344 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0
dt polarity sensitivity Tweet_vol
2018-07-24 04:00:00 2018-07-24 04:27:40.946246656 0.121358 0.236000 4475.0
2018-07-24 05:00:00 2018-07-24 05:28:40.424965632 0.095163 0.216924 4808.0
2018-07-24 06:00:00 2018-07-24 06:30:52.606722816 0.088992 0.220173 6036.0
2018-07-24 07:00:00 2018-07-24 07:27:29.229673984 0.091439 0.198279 6047.0
2018-07-24 08:00:00 2018-07-24 08:07:02.674452224 0.071268 0.218217 2444.0
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 301 entries, 2018-07-11 20:00:00 to 2018-07-24 08:00:00
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------       --------------  -----         
 0   dt           301 non-null    datetime64[ns]
 1   polarity     301 non-null    float64       
 2   sensitivity  301 non-null    float64       
 3   Tweet_vol    301 non-null    float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(3)
memory usage: 11.8 KB
btcDF = pd.read_csv("https://static-1300131294.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/data/deep-learning/LSTM/btcSave2.csv", on_bad_lines="skip", engine="python")
btcDF["Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(btcDF["Timestamp"])
btcDF = btcDF.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(btcDF["Timestamp"]))
Timestamp Open High Low Close Volume (BTC) Volume (Currency) Weighted Price
2018-07-10 01:00:00 2018-07-10 01:00:00 6666.75 6683.90 6635.59 6669.73 281.73 1875693.72 6657.70
2018-07-10 02:00:00 2018-07-10 02:00:00 6662.44 6674.60 6647.00 6647.00 174.10 1160103.29 6663.38
2018-07-10 03:00:00 2018-07-10 03:00:00 6652.52 6662.82 6621.99 6632.53 231.41 1536936.22 6641.70
2018-07-10 04:00:00 2018-07-10 04:00:00 6631.17 6655.48 6625.54 6635.92 120.38 799154.77 6638.52
2018-07-10 05:00:00 2018-07-10 05:00:00 6632.81 6651.06 6627.64 6640.57 94.00 624289.31 6641.32
btcDF = btcDF.drop(["Timestamp"], axis=1)
Open High Low Close Volume (BTC) Volume (Currency) Weighted Price
2018-07-10 01:00:00 6666.75 6683.90 6635.59 6669.73 281.73 1875693.72 6657.70
2018-07-10 02:00:00 6662.44 6674.60 6647.00 6647.00 174.10 1160103.29 6663.38
2018-07-10 03:00:00 6652.52 6662.82 6621.99 6632.53 231.41 1536936.22 6641.70
2018-07-10 04:00:00 6631.17 6655.48 6625.54 6635.92 120.38 799154.77 6638.52
2018-07-10 05:00:00 6632.81 6651.06 6627.64 6640.57 94.00 624289.31 6641.32
Final_df = pd.merge(df, btcDF, how="inner", left_index=True, right_index=True)
dt polarity sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Close Volume (BTC) Volume (Currency) Weighted Price
2018-07-11 20:00:00 2018-07-11 20:27:49.510636288 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 6342.97 6354.19 6291.00 6350.00 986.73 6231532.37 6315.33
2018-07-11 21:00:00 2018-07-11 21:28:35.636368640 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 6352.99 6370.00 6345.76 6356.48 126.46 804221.55 6359.53
2018-07-11 22:00:00 2018-07-11 22:27:44.646705152 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 6350.85 6378.47 6345.00 6361.93 259.10 1646353.87 6354.12
2018-07-11 23:00:00 2018-07-11 23:28:06.455850496 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 6362.36 6381.25 6356.74 6368.78 81.54 519278.69 6368.23
2018-07-12 00:00:00 2018-07-12 00:28:47.975385344 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 6369.49 6381.25 6361.83 6380.00 124.55 793560.22 6371.51
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 294 entries, 2018-07-11 20:00:00 to 2018-07-24 01:00:00
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------             --------------  -----         
 0   dt                 294 non-null    datetime64[ns]
 1   polarity           294 non-null    float64       
 2   sensitivity        294 non-null    float64       
 3   Tweet_vol          294 non-null    float64       
 4   Open               294 non-null    float64       
 5   High               294 non-null    float64       
 6   Low                294 non-null    float64       
 7   Close              294 non-null    float64       
 8   Volume (BTC)       294 non-null    float64       
 9   Volume (Currency)  294 non-null    float64       
 10  Weighted Price     294 non-null    float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(10)
memory usage: 27.6 KB
Final_df = Final_df.drop(["Weighted Price"], axis=1)
dt polarity sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Close Volume (BTC) Volume (Currency)
2018-07-11 20:00:00 2018-07-11 20:27:49.510636288 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 6342.97 6354.19 6291.00 6350.00 986.73 6231532.37
2018-07-11 21:00:00 2018-07-11 21:28:35.636368640 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 6352.99 6370.00 6345.76 6356.48 126.46 804221.55
2018-07-11 22:00:00 2018-07-11 22:27:44.646705152 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 6350.85 6378.47 6345.00 6361.93 259.10 1646353.87
2018-07-11 23:00:00 2018-07-11 23:28:06.455850496 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 6362.36 6381.25 6356.74 6368.78 81.54 519278.69
2018-07-12 00:00:00 2018-07-12 00:28:47.975385344 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 6369.49 6381.25 6361.83 6380.00 124.55 793560.22
Final_df.columns = [
dt Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Close_Price Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar
2018-07-11 20:00:00 2018-07-11 20:27:49.510636288 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 6342.97 6354.19 6291.00 6350.00 986.73 6231532.37
2018-07-11 21:00:00 2018-07-11 21:28:35.636368640 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 6352.99 6370.00 6345.76 6356.48 126.46 804221.55
2018-07-11 22:00:00 2018-07-11 22:27:44.646705152 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 6350.85 6378.47 6345.00 6361.93 259.10 1646353.87
2018-07-11 23:00:00 2018-07-11 23:28:06.455850496 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 6362.36 6381.25 6356.74 6368.78 81.54 519278.69
2018-07-12 00:00:00 2018-07-12 00:28:47.975385344 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 6369.49 6381.25 6361.83 6380.00 124.55 793560.22
Final_df = Final_df[
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar Close_Price
2018-07-11 20:00:00 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 6342.97 6354.19 6291.00 986.73 6231532.37 6350.00
2018-07-11 21:00:00 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 6352.99 6370.00 6345.76 126.46 804221.55 6356.48
2018-07-11 22:00:00 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 6350.85 6378.47 6345.00 259.10 1646353.87 6361.93
2018-07-11 23:00:00 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 6362.36 6381.25 6356.74 81.54 519278.69 6368.78
2018-07-12 00:00:00 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 6369.49 6381.25 6361.83 124.55 793560.22 6380.00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2018-07-23 21:00:00 0.107282 0.235636 5164.0 7746.99 7763.59 7690.16 237.63 1836633.86 7706.00
2018-07-23 22:00:00 0.094493 0.271796 4646.0 7699.13 7759.99 7690.50 63.31 489000.25 7750.09
2018-07-23 23:00:00 0.074246 0.231640 4455.0 7754.57 7777.00 7715.45 280.46 2173424.81 7722.32
2018-07-24 00:00:00 0.080870 0.219367 3862.0 7722.95 7730.61 7690.17 496.48 3830571.66 7719.62
2018-07-24 01:00:00 0.090717 0.212626 4620.0 7712.46 7727.70 7691.14 163.99 1264085.79 7723.22

294 rows × 9 columns

42.102.3. Exploratory Analysis#

# --------------Analysis----------------------------#

values = Final_df.values
groups = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
i = 1
for group in groups:
    pyplot.subplot(len(groups), 1, i)
    pyplot.plot(values[:, group])
    pyplot.title(Final_df.columns[group], y=0.5, loc="right")
    i += 1
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar Close_Price
count 294.000000 294.000000 294.000000 294.000000 294.000000 294.000000 294.000000 2.940000e+02 294.000000
mean 0.099534 0.214141 4691.119048 6915.349388 6946.782925 6889.661054 329.745034 2.328086e+06 6920.150000
std 0.012114 0.014940 1048.922706 564.467674 573.078843 559.037540 344.527625 2.508128e+06 565.424866
min 0.051695 0.174330 2998.000000 6149.110000 6173.610000 6072.000000 22.000000 1.379601e+05 6149.110000
25% 0.091489 0.203450 3878.750000 6285.077500 6334.942500 6266.522500 129.230000 8.412214e+05 6283.497500
50% 0.099198 0.214756 4452.000000 7276.845000 7311.380000 7245.580000 223.870000 1.607008e+06 7281.975000
75% 0.106649 0.223910 5429.750000 7422.957500 7457.202500 7396.427500 385.135000 2.662185e+06 7424.560000
max 0.135088 0.271796 10452.000000 7754.570000 7800.000000 7724.500000 2640.490000 1.912641e+07 7750.090000
cor = Final_df.corr()
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar Close_Price
Polarity 1.000000 0.380350 -0.167573 0.179056 0.176277 0.180088 -0.062868 -0.052646 0.178456
Sensitivity 0.380350 1.000000 0.053903 0.194763 0.200611 0.190222 0.097124 0.112425 0.193203
Tweet_vol -0.167573 0.053903 1.000000 0.237185 0.262207 0.234330 0.541112 0.545850 0.250448
Open 0.179056 0.194763 0.237185 1.000000 0.997128 0.998799 0.217478 0.277600 0.997217
High 0.176277 0.200611 0.262207 0.997128 1.000000 0.996650 0.270551 0.329816 0.998816
Low 0.180088 0.190222 0.234330 0.998799 0.996650 1.000000 0.202895 0.263863 0.998058
Volume_BTC -0.062868 0.097124 0.541112 0.217478 0.270551 0.202895 1.000000 0.995873 0.243875
Volume_Dollar -0.052646 0.112425 0.545850 0.277600 0.329816 0.263863 0.995873 1.000000 0.303347
Close_Price 0.178456 0.193203 0.250448 0.997217 0.998816 0.998058 0.243875 0.303347 1.000000
Top_Vol = Final_df["Volume_BTC"].nlargest(10)
2018-07-17 18:00:00    2640.49
2018-07-17 19:00:00    2600.32
2018-07-23 03:00:00    1669.28
2018-07-18 04:00:00    1576.15
2018-07-20 17:00:00    1510.00
2018-07-18 19:00:00    1490.02
2018-07-23 19:00:00    1396.32
2018-07-12 07:00:00    1211.64
2018-07-16 10:00:00    1147.69
2018-07-23 08:00:00    1135.38
Name: Volume_BTC, dtype: float64
Top_Sen = Final_df["Sensitivity"].nlargest(10)
2018-07-23 22:00:00    0.271796
2018-07-19 20:00:00    0.262048
2018-07-21 19:00:00    0.256952
2018-07-20 22:00:00    0.246046
2018-07-22 06:00:00    0.245820
2018-07-19 19:00:00    0.244655
2018-07-19 21:00:00    0.244215
2018-07-18 20:00:00    0.243534
2018-07-18 21:00:00    0.243422
2018-07-18 18:00:00    0.241287
Name: Sensitivity, dtype: float64
Top_Pol = Final_df["Polarity"].nlargest(10)
2018-07-22 05:00:00    0.135088
2018-07-16 03:00:00    0.130634
2018-07-19 20:00:00    0.127696
2018-07-15 10:00:00    0.127469
2018-07-22 06:00:00    0.126299
2018-07-15 06:00:00    0.124505
2018-07-16 05:00:00    0.124210
2018-07-22 09:00:00    0.122784
2018-07-15 13:00:00    0.122411
2018-07-22 12:00:00    0.122021
Name: Polarity, dtype: float64
Top_Tweet = Final_df["Tweet_vol"].nlargest(10)
2018-07-17 19:00:00    10452.0
2018-07-17 18:00:00     7995.0
2018-07-17 20:00:00     7354.0
2018-07-16 14:00:00     7280.0
2018-07-18 15:00:00     7222.0
2018-07-18 14:00:00     7209.0
2018-07-18 13:00:00     7171.0
2018-07-16 13:00:00     7133.0
2018-07-19 16:00:00     6886.0
2018-07-18 12:00:00     6844.0
Name: Tweet_vol, dtype: float64
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 9))

cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)
ax = sns.heatmap(
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.7},
# sns Heatmap for Hour x volume
# Final_df['time']=Final_df.index.time()
Final_df["time"] = Final_df.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.strftime("%X"))
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar Close_Price time
2018-07-11 20:00:00 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 6342.97 6354.19 6291.00 986.73 6231532.37 6350.00 20:00:00
2018-07-11 21:00:00 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 6352.99 6370.00 6345.76 126.46 804221.55 6356.48 21:00:00
2018-07-11 22:00:00 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 6350.85 6378.47 6345.00 259.10 1646353.87 6361.93 22:00:00
2018-07-11 23:00:00 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 6362.36 6381.25 6356.74 81.54 519278.69 6368.78 23:00:00
2018-07-12 00:00:00 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 6369.49 6381.25 6361.83 124.55 793560.22 6380.00 00:00:00
hour_df = Final_df
hour_df = hour_df.groupby("time").agg(lambda x: x.mean())
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar Close_Price
00:00:00 0.090298 0.211771 3976.384615 6930.237692 6958.360769 6900.588462 322.836154 2.228120e+06 6935.983077
01:00:00 0.099596 0.211714 4016.615385 6935.140769 6963.533846 6894.772308 318.415385 2.243338e+06 6933.794615
02:00:00 0.102724 0.204445 3824.083333 6868.211667 6889.440000 6842.588333 158.836667 1.105651e+06 6870.695833
03:00:00 0.105586 0.214824 3791.666667 6870.573333 6909.675833 6855.316667 328.811667 2.385733e+06 6888.139167
04:00:00 0.103095 0.208516 3822.916667 6887.420000 6911.649167 6872.603333 271.692500 1.949230e+06 6890.985000
05:00:00 0.108032 0.215058 3904.166667 6891.468333 6911.175833 6869.017500 213.315000 1.524601e+06 6890.451667
06:00:00 0.104412 0.210424 3760.250000 6889.327500 6907.070833 6868.484167 183.329167 1.281427e+06 6891.371667
07:00:00 0.100942 0.209435 4056.000000 6891.645833 6908.654167 6858.290833 329.882500 2.263694e+06 6878.757500
08:00:00 0.099380 0.210113 5095.583333 6878.635833 6903.660833 6851.435833 368.109167 2.616314e+06 6885.867500
09:00:00 0.099369 0.204565 4650.083333 6886.526667 6915.735000 6852.922500 397.702500 2.740251e+06 6888.328333
10:00:00 0.099587 0.203848 4932.833333 6888.095000 6921.905000 6870.502500 318.982500 2.194532e+06 6905.600833
11:00:00 0.097061 0.203488 4996.333333 6904.373333 6928.490000 6885.326667 256.131667 1.766995e+06 6907.590000
12:00:00 0.099139 0.207495 5446.583333 6908.016667 6942.194167 6890.370000 314.837500 2.200126e+06 6922.389167
13:00:00 0.097565 0.208969 5565.083333 6922.530000 6948.463333 6902.968333 260.825000 1.808326e+06 6925.079167
14:00:00 0.098485 0.212563 5736.583333 6925.589167 6952.400833 6908.944167 288.322500 2.033892e+06 6936.545833
15:00:00 0.099428 0.212782 5686.500000 6934.180833 6965.962500 6915.395833 326.230000 2.313765e+06 6937.513333
16:00:00 0.098327 0.215643 5647.250000 6937.987500 6970.406667 6914.132500 411.930833 2.977255e+06 6947.045000
17:00:00 0.099674 0.219544 5482.333333 6947.205000 6986.905000 6928.375833 421.290833 3.020724e+06 6946.573333
18:00:00 0.098512 0.223854 5340.666667 6946.270833 7020.676667 6917.940000 621.599167 4.405309e+06 6985.155833
19:00:00 0.094025 0.227546 5345.583333 6984.812500 7048.856667 6948.802500 635.320833 4.639426e+06 6990.852500
20:00:00 0.096545 0.221846 4829.692308 6941.196923 6968.019231 6903.869231 396.382308 2.764029e+06 6937.162308
21:00:00 0.100486 0.227031 4586.076923 6937.536923 6961.624615 6902.450000 320.918462 2.235449e+06 6929.238462
22:00:00 0.101451 0.231768 4215.769231 6928.340769 6960.293846 6899.097692 201.525385 1.425684e+06 6924.276923
23:00:00 0.096164 0.218966 4081.230769 6924.337692 6960.037692 6893.017692 259.863846 1.851852e+06 6928.529231
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Open High Low Volume_BTC Volume_Dollar Close_Price
00:00:00 0.090298 0.211771 3976.384615 6930.237692 6958.360769 6900.588462 322.836154 2.228120e+06 6935.983077
01:00:00 0.099596 0.211714 4016.615385 6935.140769 6963.533846 6894.772308 318.415385 2.243338e+06 6933.794615
02:00:00 0.102724 0.204445 3824.083333 6868.211667 6889.440000 6842.588333 158.836667 1.105651e+06 6870.695833
03:00:00 0.105586 0.214824 3791.666667 6870.573333 6909.675833 6855.316667 328.811667 2.385733e+06 6888.139167
04:00:00 0.103095 0.208516 3822.916667 6887.420000 6911.649167 6872.603333 271.692500 1.949230e+06 6890.985000
# sns Hourly Heatmap
hour_df["hour"] = hour_df.index
result = hour_df.pivot(index="hour", columns="Polarity", values="Volume_BTC")
sns.heatmap(result, annot=True, fmt="g", cmap="viridis")
plt.title("Polarity x BTC Volume avg(Hr)")

# sns daily heatmap?
hour_df["hour"] = hour_df.index
result = hour_df.pivot(index="Volume_BTC", columns="hour", values="Tweet_vol")
sns.heatmap(result, annot=True, fmt="g", cmap="viridis")
plt.title("BTC Vol x Tweet Vol avg(Hr)")
# ----------------End Analysis------------------------#
# ---------------- LSTM Prep ------------------------#
df = Final_df
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 294 entries, 2018-07-11 20:00:00 to 2018-07-24 01:00:00
Data columns (total 10 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   Polarity       294 non-null    float64
 1   Sensitivity    294 non-null    float64
 2   Tweet_vol      294 non-null    float64
 3   Open           294 non-null    float64
 4   High           294 non-null    float64
 5   Low            294 non-null    float64
 6   Volume_BTC     294 non-null    float64
 7   Volume_Dollar  294 non-null    float64
 8   Close_Price    294 non-null    float64
 9   time           294 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(9), object(1)
memory usage: 33.4+ KB
df = df.drop(["Open", "High", "Low", "Volume_Dollar"], axis=1)
Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Volume_BTC Close_Price time
2018-07-11 20:00:00 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 986.73 6350.00 20:00:00
2018-07-11 21:00:00 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 126.46 6356.48 21:00:00
2018-07-11 22:00:00 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 259.10 6361.93 22:00:00
2018-07-11 23:00:00 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 81.54 6368.78 23:00:00
2018-07-12 00:00:00 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 124.55 6380.00 00:00:00
df = df[["Close_Price", "Polarity", "Sensitivity", "Tweet_vol", "Volume_BTC"]]
Close_Price Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Volume_BTC
2018-07-11 20:00:00 6350.00 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 986.73
2018-07-11 21:00:00 6356.48 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 126.46
2018-07-11 22:00:00 6361.93 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 259.10
2018-07-11 23:00:00 6368.78 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 81.54
2018-07-12 00:00:00 6380.00 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 124.55
cor = df.corr()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 9))

cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)
ax = sns.heatmap(
    cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.7},

42.102.4. LSTM Model#

from math import sqrt
from numpy import concatenate
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from matplotlib import pyplot

from pandas import read_csv
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import concat
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import LSTM

# convert series to supervised learning
def series_to_supervised(data, n_in=1, n_out=1, dropnan=True):
    n_vars = 1 if type(data) is list else data.shape[1]
    df = DataFrame(data)
    cols, names = list(), list()
    # input sequence (t-n, ... t-1)
    for i in range(n_in, 0, -1):
        names += [("var%d(t-%d)" % (j + 1, i)) for j in range(n_vars)]
    # forecast sequence (t, t+1, ... t+n)
    for i in range(0, n_out):
        if i == 0:
            names += [("var%d(t)" % (j + 1)) for j in range(n_vars)]
            names += [("var%d(t+%d)" % (j + 1, i)) for j in range(n_vars)]
    # put it all together
    agg = concat(cols, axis=1)
    agg.columns = names
    # drop rows with NaN values
    if dropnan:
    return agg
values = df.values
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols = cols[-1:] + cols[:-1]
df = df[cols]
df = df[["Close_Price", "Polarity", "Sensitivity", "Tweet_vol", "Volume_BTC"]]
Close_Price Polarity Sensitivity Tweet_vol Volume_BTC
2018-07-11 20:00:00 6350.00 0.102657 0.216148 4354.0 986.73
2018-07-11 21:00:00 6356.48 0.098004 0.218612 4432.0 126.46
2018-07-11 22:00:00 6361.93 0.096688 0.231342 3980.0 259.10
2018-07-11 23:00:00 6368.78 0.103997 0.217739 3830.0 81.54
2018-07-12 00:00:00 6380.00 0.094383 0.195256 3998.0 124.55
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df.values)
n_hours = 3  # adding 3 hours lags creating number of observations
n_features = 5  # Features in the dataset.
n_obs = n_hours * n_features
reframed = series_to_supervised(scaled, n_hours, 1)
var1(t-3) var2(t-3) var3(t-3) var4(t-3) var5(t-3) var1(t-2) var2(t-2) var3(t-2) var4(t-2) var5(t-2) var1(t-1) var2(t-1) var3(t-1) var4(t-1) var5(t-1) var1(t) var2(t) var3(t) var4(t) var5(t)
3 0.125479 0.611105 0.429055 0.181916 0.368430 0.129527 0.555312 0.454335 0.192380 0.039893 0.132931 0.539534 0.584943 0.131741 0.090548 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738
4 0.129527 0.555312 0.454335 0.192380 0.039893 0.132931 0.539534 0.584943 0.131741 0.090548 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164
5 0.132931 0.539534 0.584943 0.131741 0.090548 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164 0.135117 0.589271 0.500135 0.095922 0.045637
6 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164 0.135117 0.589271 0.500135 0.095922 0.045637 0.111700 0.722717 0.212514 0.113362 0.045561
7 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164 0.135117 0.589271 0.500135 0.095922 0.045637 0.111700 0.722717 0.212514 0.113362 0.045561 0.111101 0.649855 0.365349 0.111752 0.053607
reframed.drop(reframed.columns[-4], axis=1)
var1(t-3) var2(t-3) var3(t-3) var4(t-3) var5(t-3) var1(t-2) var2(t-2) var3(t-2) var4(t-2) var5(t-2) var1(t-1) var2(t-1) var3(t-1) var4(t-1) var5(t-1) var1(t) var2(t) var3(t) var4(t) var5(t)
3 0.125479 0.611105 0.429055 0.181916 0.368430 0.129527 0.555312 0.454335 0.192380 0.039893 0.132931 0.539534 0.584943 0.131741 0.090548 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738
4 0.129527 0.555312 0.454335 0.192380 0.039893 0.132931 0.539534 0.584943 0.131741 0.090548 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164
5 0.132931 0.539534 0.584943 0.131741 0.090548 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164 0.135117 0.589271 0.500135 0.095922 0.045637
6 0.137210 0.627175 0.445375 0.111618 0.022738 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164 0.135117 0.589271 0.500135 0.095922 0.045637 0.111700 0.722717 0.212514 0.113362 0.045561
7 0.144218 0.511893 0.214693 0.134156 0.039164 0.135117 0.589271 0.500135 0.095922 0.045637 0.111700 0.722717 0.212514 0.113362 0.045561 0.111101 0.649855 0.365349 0.111752 0.053607
   var1(t-3)  var2(t-3)  var3(t-3)  var4(t-3)  var5(t-3)  var1(t-2)   
3   0.125479   0.611105   0.429055   0.181916   0.368430   0.129527  \
4   0.129527   0.555312   0.454335   0.192380   0.039893   0.132931   
5   0.132931   0.539534   0.584943   0.131741   0.090548   0.137210   
6   0.137210   0.627175   0.445375   0.111618   0.022738   0.144218   
7   0.144218   0.511893   0.214693   0.134156   0.039164   0.135117   

   var2(t-2)  var3(t-2)  var4(t-2)  var5(t-2)  var1(t-1)  var2(t-1)   
3   0.555312   0.454335   0.192380   0.039893   0.132931   0.539534  \
4   0.539534   0.584943   0.131741   0.090548   0.137210   0.627175   
5   0.627175   0.445375   0.111618   0.022738   0.144218   0.511893   
6   0.511893   0.214693   0.134156   0.039164   0.135117   0.589271   
7   0.589271   0.500135   0.095922   0.045637   0.111700   0.722717   

   var3(t-1)  var4(t-1)  var5(t-1)   var1(t)   var2(t)   var3(t)   var4(t)   
3   0.584943   0.131741   0.090548  0.137210  0.627175  0.445375  0.111618  \
4   0.445375   0.111618   0.022738  0.144218  0.511893  0.214693  0.134156   
5   0.214693   0.134156   0.039164  0.135117  0.589271  0.500135  0.095922   
6   0.500135   0.095922   0.045637  0.111700  0.722717  0.212514  0.113362   
7   0.212514   0.113362   0.045561  0.111101  0.649855  0.365349  0.111752   

3  0.022738  
4  0.039164  
5  0.045637  
6  0.045561  
7  0.053607  
values = reframed.values
n_train_hours = 200
train = values[:n_train_hours, :]
test = values[n_train_hours:, :]
(200, 20)
# split into input and outputs
train_X, train_y = train[:, :n_obs], train[:, -n_features]
test_X, test_y = test[:, :n_obs], test[:, -n_features]
# reshape input to be 3D [samples, timesteps, features]
train_X = train_X.reshape((train_X.shape[0], n_hours, n_features))
test_X = test_X.reshape((test_X.shape[0], n_hours, n_features))
print(train_X.shape, train_y.shape, test_X.shape, test_y.shape)
(200, 3, 5) (200,) (91, 3, 5) (91,)
# design network
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(5, input_shape=(train_X.shape[1], train_X.shape[2])))
model.compile(loss="mae", optimizer="adam")
# fit network
history = model.fit(
    validation_data=(test_X, test_y),
Epoch 1/50
34/34 - 3s - loss: 0.2547 - val_loss: 0.6327 - 3s/epoch - 79ms/step
Epoch 2/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.2190 - val_loss: 0.5658 - 194ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 3/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.2099 - val_loss: 0.5187 - 212ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 4/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.1882 - val_loss: 0.4559 - 207ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 5/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.1617 - val_loss: 0.3725 - 192ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 6/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.1316 - val_loss: 0.2751 - 201ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 7/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0985 - val_loss: 0.1715 - 230ms/epoch - 7ms/step
Epoch 8/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0694 - val_loss: 0.1069 - 199ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 9/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0595 - val_loss: 0.1018 - 182ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 10/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0517 - val_loss: 0.0893 - 191ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 11/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0496 - val_loss: 0.0819 - 193ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 12/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0463 - val_loss: 0.0754 - 197ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 13/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0435 - val_loss: 0.0713 - 195ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 14/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0407 - val_loss: 0.0668 - 196ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 15/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0390 - val_loss: 0.0589 - 194ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 16/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0377 - val_loss: 0.0595 - 207ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 17/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0352 - val_loss: 0.0541 - 209ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 18/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0342 - val_loss: 0.0528 - 189ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 19/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0328 - val_loss: 0.0506 - 182ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 20/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0311 - val_loss: 0.0471 - 230ms/epoch - 7ms/step
Epoch 21/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0302 - val_loss: 0.0467 - 187ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 22/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0296 - val_loss: 0.0436 - 185ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 23/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0292 - val_loss: 0.0430 - 190ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 24/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0276 - val_loss: 0.0440 - 175ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 25/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0268 - val_loss: 0.0402 - 183ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 26/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0260 - val_loss: 0.0407 - 176ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 27/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0246 - val_loss: 0.0383 - 181ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 28/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0255 - val_loss: 0.0393 - 177ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 29/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0238 - val_loss: 0.0447 - 188ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 30/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0220 - val_loss: 0.0386 - 179ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 31/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0234 - val_loss: 0.0458 - 184ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 32/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0215 - val_loss: 0.0416 - 190ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 33/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0233 - val_loss: 0.0372 - 182ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 34/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0231 - val_loss: 0.0423 - 187ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 35/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0213 - val_loss: 0.0400 - 178ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 36/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0220 - val_loss: 0.0399 - 185ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 37/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0212 - val_loss: 0.0404 - 189ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 38/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0218 - val_loss: 0.0375 - 184ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 39/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0210 - val_loss: 0.0358 - 181ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 40/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0229 - val_loss: 0.0353 - 190ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 41/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0204 - val_loss: 0.0376 - 190ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 42/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0198 - val_loss: 0.0392 - 190ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 43/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0195 - val_loss: 0.0400 - 189ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 44/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0189 - val_loss: 0.0339 - 187ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 45/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0205 - val_loss: 0.0423 - 184ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 46/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0196 - val_loss: 0.0327 - 182ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 47/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0207 - val_loss: 0.0448 - 191ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 48/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0230 - val_loss: 0.0394 - 186ms/epoch - 5ms/step
Epoch 49/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0218 - val_loss: 0.0418 - 191ms/epoch - 6ms/step
Epoch 50/50
34/34 - 0s - loss: 0.0226 - val_loss: 0.0420 - 190ms/epoch - 6ms/step
# plot history
plt.plot(history.history["loss"], label="train")
plt.plot(history.history["val_loss"], label="test")
def predict(model, date_train, X_train, future_steps, ds):
    # Extracting dates
    dates = pd.date_range(list(date_train)[-1], periods=future, freq="1d").tolist()
    # use the last future steps from X_train
    predicted = model.predict(X_train[-future_steps:])
    predicted = np.repeat(predicted, ds.shape[1], axis=-1)
    nsamples, nx, ny = predicted.shape
    predicted = predicted.reshape((nsamples, nx * ny))

    return predicted, dates

def output_preparation(
    forecasting_dates, predictions, date_column="date", predicted_column="Volume USDT"
    dates = []
    for date in forecasting_dates:
    predicted_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[date_column, predicted_column])
    predicted_df[date_column] = pd.to_datetime(dates)
    predicted_df[predicted_column] = predictions
    return predicted_df

def results(
    df, lookback, future, scaler, col, X_train, y_train, df_train, date_train, model
    predictions, forecasting_dates = predict(model, date_train, X_train, future, df)
    results = output_preparation(forecasting_dates, predictions)
# if you need a model trained, you can use this cell
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file

model_url = "https://static-1300131294.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/data/deep-learning/LSTM/LSTM_model.h5"
model_path = get_file("LSTM_model.h5", model_url)
LSTM_model = load_model(model_path)
Downloading data from https://static-1300131294.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/data/deep-learning/LSTM/LSTM_model.h5
32208/32208 [==============================] - 0s 1us/step
# make a prediction
yhat = model.predict(test_X)
test_X = test_X.reshape(
        n_hours * n_features,
# invert scaling for forecast
inv_yhat = concatenate((yhat, test_X[:, -4:]), axis=1)
inv_yhat = scaler.inverse_transform(inv_yhat)
inv_yhat = inv_yhat[:, 0]
# invert scaling for actual
test_y = test_y.reshape((len(test_y), 1))
inv_y = concatenate((test_y, test_X[:, -4:]), axis=1)
inv_y = scaler.inverse_transform(inv_y)
inv_y = inv_y[:, 0]
# calculate RMSE
mse = mean_squared_error(inv_y, inv_yhat)
print("Test MSE: %.3f" % mse)
rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(inv_y, inv_yhat))
print("Test RMSE: %.3f" % rmse)
3/3 [==============================] - 0s 2ms/step
Test MSE: 12919.827
Test RMSE: 113.665
plt.title("Real v Predicted Close_Price")
plt.ylabel("Price ($)")
plt.xlabel("epochs (Hr)")

actual_values = inv_y
predicted_values = inv_yhat

# plot
plt.plot(actual_values, label="Actual", color="blue")
plt.plot(predicted_values, label="Predicted", color="red")

# set title and label
plt.title("Real v Predicted Close_Price")
plt.ylabel("Price ($)")
plt.xlabel("epochs (Hr)")

# show

42.103. Acknowledgements#

Thanks to Paul Simpson for creating Bitcoin Lstm Model with Tweet Volume and Sentiment. It inspires the majority of the content in this chapter.