42.17. Classifying datasets#

42.17.1. Instructions#

Follow the prompts in this assignment to identify and classify the data with one of each of the following data types:

Structure Types: Structured, Semi-Structured, or Unstructured

Value Types: Qualitative or Quantitative

Source Types: Primary or Secondary

1. A company has been acquired and now has a parent company. The data scientists have received a spreadsheet of customer phone numbers from the parent company.

Structure Type:

Value Type:

Source Type:

2. A smartwatch has been collecting heart rate data from its wearer, and the raw data is in JSON format.

Structure Type:

Value Type:

Source Type:

3. A workplace survey of employee morale is stored in a CSV file.

Structure Type:

Value Type:

Source Type:

4. Astrophysicists are accessing a database of galaxies that have been collected by a space probe. The data contains the number of planets within each galaxy.

Structure Type:

Value Type:

Source Type:

5. A personal finance app uses APIs to connect to a user’s financial accounts in order to calculate their net worth. They can see all of their transactions in a format of rows and columns and looks similar to a spreadsheet.

Structure Type:

Value Type:

Source Type:

42.17.2. Rubric#



Needs Improvement

Correctly identifies all structure, value, and sources

Correctly identifies 3 all structure, value, and sources

Correctly identifies 2 or less all structure, value, and sources