42.85. Data engineering#

This assignment focuses on techniques for cleaning and transforming the data to handle challenges of missing, inaccurate, or incomplete data. Please refer to Machine Learning productionization - Data engineering to learn more.

Fill ____ pieces of the below implementation in order to pass the assertions.

42.85.1. Exploring dataset#

Learning goal: By the end of this subsection, you should be comfortable finding general information about the data stored in pandas DataFrames.

In order to explore this functionality, we will import the modefined version of Python scikit-learn library’s iconic dataset Iris.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import math

iris_df = pd.read_csv('../../assets/data/modefined_sklearn_iris_dataset.csv', index_col=0)

To start off, print the summary of a DataFrame.

## How many entries the Iris dataset has? > Please refer to the output of above cell. - [ ] 50 - [ ] 100 - [x] 150 - [ ] 200

Next, let’s check the actual content of the DataFrame.

# displying first 5 rows of our iris_df

# in the first five rows, which one's spepal length is 5.0cm?
assert iris_df.iloc[____, 0] == 5.0

Conversely, we can check the last few rows of the DataFrame.

# displying last 5 rows of our `iris_df`.

# in the last five rows, which one's spepal width is 2.5cm?
assert iris_df.iloc[____, 1] == 2.5

Takeaway: Even just by looking at the metadata about the information in a DataFrame or the first and last few values in one, you can get an immediate idea about the size, shape, and content of the data you are dealing with.

42.85.2. Dealing with missing data#

Missing data can cause inaccuracies as well as weak or biased results. Sometimes these can be resolved by a “reload” of the data, filling in the missing values with computation and code like Python, or simply just removing the value and corresponding data. There are numerous reasons for why data may be missing and the actions that are taken to resolve these missing values can be dependent on how and why they went missing in the first place.

Learning goal: By the end of this subsection, you should know how to replace or remove null values from DataFrames.

In pandas, the isnull() and notnull() methods are your primary methods for detecting null data. Both return Boolean masks over your data. We will be using numpy for NaN values:

iris_isnull_df = iris_df.isnull()


# find one row with missing value
assert iris_isnull_df.iloc[____, ____] == True
assert math.isnan(iris_df.iloc[____, ____]) == True
# get all the rows with missing data
iris_with_missing_value_df = iris_df____

assert iris_with_missing_value_df.shape[0] == 16

Dropping null values: Beyond identifying missing values, pandas provides a convenient means dropna to remove null values from Series and DataFrames. (Particularly on large data sets, it is often more advisable to simply remove missing [NA] values from your analysis than deal with them in other ways.)

# remove all the rows with missing values
iris_with_dropna_on_row_df = iris_df.____

assert iris_with_dropna_on_row_df.shape[0] == 134
# remove all the columns with missing values
iris_with_dropna_on_column_df = iris_df.____

assert iris_with_dropna_on_column_df.columns.shape[0] == 0
# remove all the rows with 2 missing values
iris_with_dropna_2_values_on_rows_df = iris_df.____

assert iris_with_dropna_2_values_on_rows_df.shape[0] == 144

# remove all the rows with 1 missing values
iris_with_dropna_1_values_on_rows_df = iris_df.____

assert iris_with_dropna_1_values_on_rows_df.shape[0] == 147

Filling null values: Depending on your dataset, it can sometimes make more sense to fill null values with valid ones rather than drop them. You could use isnull to do this in place, but that can be laborious, particularly if you have a lot of values to fill. Because this is such a common task in data science, pandas provides fillna, which returns a copy of the Series or DataFrame with the missing values replaced with one of your choosing.

# fll all the missing values with 0
iris_with_fillna_df = iris_df.____

# get all the rows with missing data
iris_with_missing_value_after_fillna_df = iris_with_fillna_df____

assert iris_with_missing_value_after_fillna_df.shape[0] == 0
assert iris_with_fillna_df.iloc[____, 3] == -1
# forward-fill null values, which is to use the last valid value to fill a null:
iris_with_fillna_forward_df = iris_df.____

# get all the rows with missing data
iris_with_missing_value_after_fillna_forward_df = iris_with_fillna_forward_df____

assert iris_with_missing_value_after_fillna_forward_df.shape[0] == 0
assert float(iris_with_fillna_forward_df.iloc[3, 3]) == 0.2
# back-fill null values, which is to use the next valid value to fill a null:
iris_with_fillna_back_df = iris_df.____

# get all the rows with missing data
iris_with_missing_value_after_fillna_back_df = iris_with_fillna_back_df____

assert iris_with_missing_value_after_fillna_back_df.shape[0] == 0
assert float(iris_with_fillna_back_df.iloc[3, 3]) == 0.1

42.85.3. Removing duplicate data#

Data that has more than one occurrence can produce inaccurate results and usually should be removed. This can be a common occurrence when joining two or more datasets together. However, there are instances where duplication in joined datasets contain pieces that can provide additional information and may need to be preserved.

Learning goal: By the end of this subsection, you should be comfortable identifying and removing duplicate values from DataFrames.

In addition to missing data, you will often encounter duplicated data in real-world datasets. Fortunately, pandas provides an easy means of detecting and removing duplicate entries.

Identifying duplicates: You can easily spot duplicate values using the duplicated method in pandas, which returns a Boolean mask indicating whether an entry in a DataFrame is a duplicate of an earlier one. Let’s create another example DataFrame to see this in action.

iris_isduplicated_df = iris_df.____


# find one row with duplicated value
assert iris_isduplicated_df.iloc[____, ____] == True

Dropping duplicates: drop_duplicates simply returns a copy of the data for which all of the duplicated values are False:

# remove all the rows with duplicated values
iris_with_drop_duplicates_on_df = iris_df.drop_duplicates()

assert iris_with_drop_duplicates_on_df.shape[0] == 143

Both duplicated and drop_duplicates default to consider all columns but you can specify that they examine only a subset of columns in your DataFrame:

# remove all the rows with duplicated values on column 'petal width (cm)'
iris_with_drop_duplicates_on_column_df = iris_df.____

assert iris_with_drop_duplicates_on_column_df.shape[0] == 27

42.85.4. Handle inconsistent data#

Depending on the source, data can have inconsistencies in how it’s presented. This can cause problems in searching for and representing the value, where it’s seen within the dataset but is not properly represented in visualizations or query results. Common formatting problems involve resolving whitespace, dates, and data types. Resolving formatting issues is typically up to the people who are using the data. For example, standards on how dates and numbers are presented can differ by country.

Learning goal: By the end of this subsection, you should know how to handle the inconsistent data format in the DataFrame.

Let’s cleaning up the 4th column petal width (cm) to make sure there’s no data entry inconsistencies in it. Firstly, we will use a convenient method unique from pandas to check the unique values of this column

In pandas, the unique method is a convenient way to unique values based on a hash table:

column_to_format = ____
column_to_format_unique = column_to_format.____


# find one row with duplicated value
assert column_to_format_unique.shape[0] == 27

Regardless the nan value, you may find the numeric valus are in different precision. More specifically, 1. or 1.5012 are not in the same precision as other numbers. We want to append tailing 0 to numbers like 1., and round numbers like 1.5012 to 1.5.

# firstly, let's apply `round`` to the values to make the precision all as .1f
formatted_column = column_to_format.____


assert formatted_column.unique().shape[0] == 23
# now, let's add tailing 0 if needed to make numbers like 1. to be 1.0. 
# You may need to filter the nan value while processing.
formatted_column = formatted_column.____


assert formatted_column.unique().shape[0] == 23

42.85.5. At last#

Let’s apply all the methods above to make the data to be clean.

# remove all rows with missing values
no_missing_data_df = iris_df.____

# remove all rows with duplicated values
no_missing_dup_data_df = no_missing_data_df.____

# apply the precision .1f to all the numbers
cleand_df = no_missing_dup_data_df.____

assert no_missing_data_df.shape[0] == 134
assert no_missing_dup_data_df.shape[0] == 129
assert cleand_df[cleand_df.columns[3]].unique().shape[0] == 22

Also, you could refer to below for more about how to handle data quality.

42.85.6. Acknowledgments#

Thanks to Microsoft for creating the open source course Data Science for Beginners. It contributes some of the content in this chapter.